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* The price listed is for a round-trip business class ticket per person on weekdays (Monday-Thursday). It includes all taxes and fees and is quoted in USD. The actual fare may vary based on the airline, class of travel, and city of departure. Flightportal.com withholds certain details to avoid competing with its partners.You may be able to save up to 15-60% on unrestricted fares of major airlines, although the discount may depend on the specific fare rules. Please note that all fares are non-refundable and non-transferable, and prices are subject to change until the ticket is issued. For the most up-to-date information on prices and availability, please contact us directly.There are certain restrictions that may apply, and our fares include a FREE EXCHANGE policy for COVID-19-related delays and cancellations. If your travel is to or from an affected area, you may be eligible to reschedule without incurring any change fees, subject to the policies of major carriers. However, fare or tax differences may apply.